Sunday, December 17, 2017


As I sit in the light of the tree, hot coffee in hand & a cozy blanket covering me, I am filled with gratitude. The world has so many issues spinning around, it can overwhelm & exhaust. Last week in church, our minister spoke about “our need for information.” How we are “spoiled” by the instant news and ability to be informed constantly. All week it’s had me thinking & trying to take a “news diet.” It is overwhelming how much information bombards us. Not staying informed is scary, like you are a bad person if you don’t know “everything going on!”
Yesterday I attended a memorial service for a woman I admired. I found out more to admire her for at the service. It also, as death does, got me thinking about my own mortality. What will others say about me, when I’m gone? So, as I sit here, I’m reflecting. How can I show gratitude more & realize the overwhelming need for information, needs to slow? Reflecting, sitting quietly in our thoughts, may be old school. Practicing meditation has been on my list for years, but somehow I never slow myself enough to “just do it!”
In this modern day of information at the tips of our fingers, maybe we should all take these quiet breaks and just listen. We might be surprised by what we hear?