Saturday, December 30, 2017


So my husband’s Uncle Steve, who is developmentally delayed, due to schizophrenia, dates a woman named Kelly. Kelly was in a car accident, as a teen & suffered a traumatic brain injury. Before the accident, she had normal development, but apparently, after the accident her development was slowed. Sadly as her fate came to light, Kelly’s Mother gave up on her. She no longer has family contact. Heartbreaking...
Well, fast forward several years. While living in an apartment complex, Uncle Steve & Kelly become special friends. They’ve known each other almost as long as Mark & I, but have only dated about 5 years. I’ve been in Kelly’s company before, but something was different last night, as I enjoyed her company. Maybe because the gathering was a bit more intimate that Kelly seemed more at ease. I couldn’t help but notice Teale’s comfort with Kelly. At one point, Teale realized her hand was out one of the slits in her sleeve, instead of through the cuff. Long story to explain a sweet moment; I was trying to help Teale understand what was going on with her sleeve and Kelly jumped in. Teale isn’t always tolerant of other people touching her but I could tell by Teale’s demeanor that she knew Kelly was “different.” Teale was more patient with Kelly, as Kelly helped her fix her sleeve. I was struck by Kelly’s warmth & sense of humor, her resilience, even though she was tossed aside by her own family. She’s invaded my thoughts & heart since last night. I wonder how much Kelly could have thrived in a loving home. The thing is, despite the lack of support from her own family, somehow she’s managed. Kelly is extremely loving & giving. She actually exudes love & is extremely affectionate. 
God’s plans may not be clear, but as I’ve thought about Kelly much today, I’ve definitely felt humbled. Humans who face adversity are resilient, but to my knowledge, I’m not sure I’ve met someone quite as brave and forgiving. I’m not sure how she’s made it through life, but the fact that she has been able to love, astounds me. May God Bless the specially abled & help us to see what they have to share with us. I just think we need to listen.