Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Jill's Words from our 25th ROV Ceremony

Ellie and Mark came into my life eight years ago when my daughter Raffaella became friends with Teale at school.

It was obvious that they had a special relationship and devotion to their children.

My friendship with Ellie has been effortless. She is warm and generous with a good sense of humor. Some might say she is a bit sassy!

I have watched Ellie move mountains to get Teale the best care and education.

She has compassionately supported my family with the care of my father who struggles with Alzheimer’s.

Being friends with Ellie makes me want to be a better wife, Mother, and friend.

While Ellie’s personality is big and bold, Mark Bradley is a gentle giant. He always has a smile on his face and kind words to say. Together they make being married look pretty easy and fun.
