Saturday, January 2, 2021

Unanswered Questions

 Unrest, irritable, anxiety, this morning without any words, she just seems off. She’s rocking on the couch & rewinding her iPad constantly. Teale’s worried about where Sage, our newest cat is. She stresses about the cats getting in her room. This is one of her many strange behaviors we can’t explain. Teale has always stressed over the cats. She seems to think they have magic powers to get into her room and she doesn’t like them in there. Mark and I think back, has she gotten her medication the last few days? It is unusual for us to miss a dose, but it happens. Boxes filled for morning, 3pm and before bed seem complete and have been taken. She started a new medication a week or so ago, that may be kicking in? Maybe it isn’t working and she’s uncomfortable? It’s a guessing game always, especially with a new medication. Teale can’t give us insight on how she feels. She just seems off or ok. When she’s off, we guess, sickness, hurting, emotional, mental swing??? It’s endless and frustrating. COVID has changed much. She misses friends and her programs. So now we guess even more, because COVID has added different factors that could be causing unrest. Taking a chance and meeting up with Teale’s friend’s, has been balanced with not taking risks. She needs social interactions but COVID in our home scares me. Mark has some serious medical issues along with Teale. We talk about how to help her and decide maybe having a friend come over is the answer? Maybe she’s just bored? Aren’t we all, at least a tad bored? I know I miss my friend’s and a life outside my home. So, of course I contemplate how this all makes Teale feel. Prayers for answers is often all I have. Pray for the mentally ill, isolation is a tough place for them to be.