Monday, June 15, 2015

Prayer Request

When my heart is heavy, writing helps. Sometimes I can express my feelings in writing better than in speaking. Sometimes getting the thoughts down helps me to process the pain, worry or confusion that I am experiencing. Other times I feel like God talks to me through writing, the words spill out faster than my thoughts and soon the story is written, but I can barely remember what is on the computer in front of me. My pain is intense today, I'm sitting on much uncertainty, which makes it tough to share. I need answers, I need clarification, I need to process all the information that was thrown at me and I need to cry, more...
Our Teale has had so many challenges in her life. She has fought and won, again and again, both medical and educational battles. She has been my daughter, but she has also been my life. My soul has been changed because of her. Not one other person in my life has taught me more. Mark is a close second, but he doesn't challenge me like Teale does. Teale teaches me to believe in the unknown. She teaches me to love, even in moments when you would think that were impossible. Teale has taught me to research and question authority. Being her advocate makes me look at every angle before making a decision.

So as I try to process and gather more information, I will also try to wrap my head around what our next step is. I like plans, I like directions with purpose and I like to be in charge of my destiny.

I know we will figure this out, Mark and I are a good team and have worked through many times of crisis. We will move forward! I know I will share more when I feel more confident in what I know, but for now; Please pray for our daughter, she needs all the help she can get.