Wednesday, October 25, 2017


At times I have felt lost in this life, I am a wife, a mother, a friend, a sister, an Aunt, but who am I? If I try to define myself I get lost in what I do, not who I am. Do we lose ourselves when we connect with another person to share their life? Do we stop being who we were when we have children and their lives become ours? I’m suddenly realizing I have evolved a thousand times in my lifetime, but what have I become? Is this midlife crisis talking? Am I reaching for my youth, when all things seemed possible and my world was all I wanted it to become? Or have I actually already arrived at where I was meant to be, with who I was meant to be with? I am me, but I am also all I have known and lived, wrapped up into one. May I continue to see the joy in the mundane and the love in the everyday. May I realize I am me and I like me.