Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Little Discipline

 I’m often reminded of a comment someone once said about Mark & I, behind our backs ~ “All Teale needs is a little discipline.” 

It got me thinking, how many thought it was Mark & I? Teale is severely brain damaged with several psychiatric issues. Discipline? What does that even mean? If we hit her, yell at her, take away her favorite things, she would learn how to control her chemical & physical imbalances? 

It made me wonder why anyone who has watched Mark & I struggle, while Teale suffers, would or could, possibly blame us? Also, is it really Teale who has to conform? What if we accepted people where they are, instead of trying to make them into something they are not? Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to have Teale more stable. But was her instability part of a plan to make us, who know her, more whole? Is she teaching us or are we teaching her? 

I’m just thinking out loud, but to go back to the original thought. I believe those who know & embrace Teale, have the chance to be better. I’m glad I never believed discipline was going to “fix her” because I think love, is what truly “fixed her.”